programs provide cultural enrichment
programs to children at community organizations
and public events.
Drop-in Tables
Global Explorers Kids offers drop-in tables at many
community events, including the Evanston Ethnic
Arts Festival, Albany Park Cease Fire CommUnity
Event, Chicago Children’s Museum Arts Day,
Lincoln Square Halloween Happenings, and more. Drop-in
tables let children explore and create art projects
influenced by the arts of other cultures, such as
Australian dot paintings, Mexican papel picado,
Russian Matryoshka, and Tibetan prayer flags.
Designed for children grades PreK – 5th, workshops
help students learn about cultures of the world
through arts and crafts, storytelling, movement,
dramatic play, and more. Workshops run for 2 hours
or more, and may be single or multiple sessions.
Activities are matched to Illinois State Learning
Goals and Standards. Global Explorers Kids workshops
cover a variety of topics.
Examples include:
Global Grab Bags: Children explore a specific country
or part of the globe through crafts, stories, movement,
and more!
Holiday Celebrations:
Teaching children how people around the world celebrate,
each workshop focuses on a specific holiday. Sample
holidays include: O-bon, Day of the Dead, Cranberry
Festival, Sukkot, Yam Festival, Diwali, Loy Krathong,
St. Lucia, Kwanzaa, Jonkonnu, Chinese New Year,
Carnival, Purim, Noruz, Hina Matsuri, Holi, and
Flags of Peace:
Inspired by the Tibetan prayer flag tradition, children
create messages of peace for the world. The Flags
of Peace can be installed for a temporary exhibit
at the organization.
Masks of the World: Children interact
with examples of masks from around the world, learning
about how masks are used, then, create a mask of
their own from a variety of materials.
Dolls of the World:
Children explore a wide variety of folk dolls from
around the world as they learn that dolls are not
just for play. During the workshop, children will
create a doll based on a specific cultural doll.